Western Languages and Literatures

Brief Information of our Department

The foundation of the French Language and Literature Department under the roof of the Istanbul University's Faculty of Letters goes back to the academic reform of 1933. With its roots of Roman Studies, our Department has always been a role model for the French departments of other more recent universities. It's a pioneer institution that has brought up many researchers, scientists, critics, authors and translators who have worked and still are working in several departments of universities among Turkey. With Erich Auerbach and Leo Spitzer among its founders and with valuable, perennial contributions from professors such as Süheylâ Bayrav, Nesterin Dirvana, Adnan Benk, Berke Vardar, Tahsin Yücel, Nuran Kutlu, Erdim Öztokat and Osman Senemoğlu, The Department of French Language and Literature operates today with an academic staff who keeps track of contemporary studies on literary analysis, literary critic, semiotics and linguistics.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

French Language and Literature Department executes a very intense educational program. Within a one-year preparatory class, basic French courses are presented to students with a low French level or to students who have never taken a French course before. Following the preparatory class, our department continues to improve basic French knowledge of our students with intense grammar courses starting their first year at the faculty. Our intension is for the student to have a certain understanding of French literature, French culture and history through our courses focused on literature and linguistics. Other courses that we have in our program are century-based literature courses starting with Medieval literature all the way through the 21st century literary works. Our department teaches every period of the French literary history, all of the literary movements, history of French theatre, also linguistics, literary criticism and semiotics.

Academic Staff

Prof. ARZU MEHLİKA KUNT (Head of Department)
Assist. Prof. BUKET KARSLI

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Palmes Académiques Decoration of Knighthood - Prof. Arzu Mehlika KUNT (2015) Palmes Académiques Decoration of Knighthood - Prof. Nedret KILIÇERİ (2007)

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level


How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Starting from the 3rd semester, our students can benefit from Minor or Double Major programs as long as they meet the necessary requirements such as getting 75 / 100 from the French evaluation test.

Department's Student Club

There's a student club entitled Frankofoni (Francophony) under the roof of our department. Operating intensely since its foundation many years ago, the club keeps evolving and developing with each passing year. A lot of academician, author and artist were hosted by the club during events like Cinematic Readings or Literary Talks. With the support of our department's professors, many activities have been organised, focused on topics like literature, cinema, science and French culture. The club profits from the locations of Istanbul University, but places like French Cultural Center in Istanbul, Notre Dame de Sion High, Pera Museum and Istanbul Modern are also among the locations that our club uses.

Graduate Education

The requirements the candidates have to meet in order to apply for a post graduate education: 1) Having a bachelor's degree (for Doctorate candidates, having a Master's degree). 2) To have a sufficient degree from the ALES test. 3) To have a sufficient degree from UDS, KPDS or any other equivalent foreign language test approved by YÖK (Council of Higher Education). 4) To be interviewed by the Department. 5) Base points and weighted scores are assigned by the Post Graduate Educational Regulation of Istanbul University. Interviews for Post Graduate and Doctorate programs are announced on the website of the Istanbul University Social Sciences Institute. For students from Turkish or foreign Higher Education Institutions who want to perform a lateral transfer to Istanbul University, the Regulation Regarding the Transition Between Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, Double Major, Minor and Credit Transfer Between Institutions is applied. The rules and regulations of the Istanbul University Senate are also bounding.

Journals (published by Department)

Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies is a multilingual, peer-reviewed, biannual, multilingual, open access scientific review published under the roof of Istanbul University's Faculty of Letters, The Department of Western Languages and Literatures. Founded in 1954, it's being published every June and December. Taking part in its editorial process, our Department of French Language and Literature also contributes to the review with scientific articles.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Our Literature, Linguistics and Semiotics courses given both on graduate and post graduate levels, are very different from the same departments under various universities' roofs. Our syllabus varies thanks to our academic staff. With various intense courses of Comparative Studies, 21st Century French Literature, Theory of the Absurd and French Theater, Prof. Arzu Kunt carries our department to a new and different level. Prof. Nurcan Delen Karaağaç keeps, for years, sharing new developments in the subject matter of linguistics. Thanks to the eminent works of Prof. Nedret Kılıçeri, the semiotics branch stands out as a discipline. As the host of the founder of semiotics Algirdas J. Greimas who has tought for many years in our department, French Language and Literature stands out as the cradle of semiotics not only in Turkey, but in the whole world. Apart from this, thanks to the long-established roots of Prof. Arzu Kunt, Prof. Nedret Kılıçeri and Prof. Nurcan D. Karaağaç with French researchers and scientists, our department has always had close relations with France. This becomes an opportunity for post graduate students or researchers who desire to work under our roof in an amateur or a professionnal manner.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Our alumni can easily (and according to their fittings) find the chance to work within educational institutions, publication houses, translation offices, media organizations, ministries, tourism offices and private sector.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students


Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

Lateral Transition quotas and the programs available are appointed (and announced) by the bounding proposals of Departments, Art Majors and Divisions with the board meeting decisions of the institute in question as well as the Istanbul University Senate. These announces can be tracked by the website of Social Sciences Institute: https://sosyalbilimler.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/_

Social Media Accounts

Twitter : @iufransizdili
The Francophony Club: @istuniffk

Brief Information of our Department

The Department of English Language and Literature is one of the oldest departments of the Faculty of Letters at Istanbul University. It was founded under the guidance of the illustrious Erich Auerbach, who had fled Nazi Germany, and Halide Edip Adıvar at the end of the 1930s as the first Department of English Philology in Turkey in order to increase the interaction between Turkish culture and English literature. The distinguished first generation academics Vahit Turhan, Mina Urgan, Berna Moran, Sencer Tonguç, Özcan Başkan, Cevat Çapan and Akşit Göktürk as well as Lale Akalın, İnci Birdal, Murat Belge, Oya Berk, Nebile Direkçigil, Zeynep Ergun, Nural Yasin and Murat Seçkin are all former members of the Department.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

Our department, as a unit of a Research University, provides students with research opportunities and via various applications, invitations, and the Erasmus+ programme allows students and academics of every degree to continue their research at universities in Europe and other countries (with Mevlana program). While our academic staff focuses on developing new research projects in their respective fields of speciality, they also continue to educate students.

Academic Staff

Prof. Esra Melikoğlu ( Head of Department )
Assoc. Prof. Canan Şavkay
Assoc. Prof. Yıldız Kılıç
Assist. Prof. Arpine Mızıkyan
Assist. Prof. Ferah İncesu
Assist. Prof. Buket Akgün
Assist. Prof. Özlem Karadağ
Lecturer Ayşegül Deniz Toroser
Res. Assist. Zöhre Baş Korkmaz
Res. Assist. Zehra Aydın Koçak
Res. Assist. Deniz Ayyıldız
Res. Assist. Meryem Senem Başçı

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Project: The Josiah Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund/ Duke University/ Engaged Theater and Politics ( Assist. Prof. Özlem Karadağ)
Project: Kyoto Seika University, Kyoto, Japan, Receptions of English Literature in Comics, Manga, and Anime (Assist. Prof. Buket Akgün )

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

YKS: Language, Success Rating: 6703, No Accreditaion.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Our students can apply for admission to other departments according to the quota.

Department's Student Club

Literary Criticism Club

Graduate Education

Application conditions and dates are announced by the Institute of Social Sciences annually.

Exchange Programs

Mevlana: https://mevlana.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/_
Farabi: https://farabi.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/_

Journals (published by Department)

LITERA is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on Western literatures, cultures, linguistics, etc. The journal, which is published by the Department twice a year, is indexed in ESCI, ULAKBİM and other databases.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

The oldest English Language and Literature Department in the country, the Department aims to impart to its undergraduate students a solid knowledge of the essentials of the discipline and offers its graduate students the opportunity to engage with 20th- and 21st-century English literature. While undergraduate students become familiar with each literary period and literary form, graduate students are given the chance to specialize on contemporary literature and to undertake innovative research. The Department, in which the medium of teaching is Enlish, is distinguished from other English Language and Literature Departments in the country by the broadness of the contents of its programmes and the diversity of its courses. The Department also provides its student, undergraduate and graduate, opportunities reserved for Research Universities and the opportunity to benefit from Erasmus+ agreements.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Teaching, Translation, Private Sector, Academy, Authorship, Media and Publishing, Communication and Advertisement

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

The Students' Affair Office gives information on the application procedure on its website.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

Admission requirements and quota for international students are announced annually by the Institute of Social Sciences. As the teaching medium of the Graduate Programmes of English Language and Literature is English, the theses written in the Department are also in English.

Social Media Accounts

Twitter: @iuingilizdili | Instagram: iuingilizedebiyati | Facebook: iuidesanatkultur

Brief Information of our Department

The Department of German Language and Literature was first established as a minor in the Romanology Department, which was founded by German scientists who escaped from the pressure of the National Socialist administration in Germany in 1933; Later on, the department left Romanology in 1942 and became an independent named "German Philology". During the establishment phase, in the first three semesters, Henning Brinkmann, then Prof. Walter Kranz played an important role. In 1933, Professor Traugott Fuchs, who came with Leo Spitzer as his assistant, taught until 1978. In addition, Prof. Gerhard Fricke, who visited the department beginning in 1948 for different periods of time, had big impact on the development of the department and the training of faculty members. First generation Turkish lecturers, who grew up with the above-mentioned German lecturers, Prof. Safinaz Duruman and Prof. Şara Sayın, have contributed significantly to the development of our department. After Professor Sayın and Prof. Duruman, their students Prof. Nilüfer Kuruyazıcı, Prof. Yüksel Özoğuz and Prof. Şeyda Ozil were as the middle generation representatives of our department. They undertook the task of training of the teaching staff, who followed them.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

Ayrıntılı bilgi için: https://almandili-edebiyat.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/akademikkadro

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Mahmut Karakuş (Anabilim Dalı Başkanı)
Prof. Dr. Canan Şenöz Ayata
Prof. Dr. Ersel Kayaoğlu
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Şebnem Sunar
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Barış Konukman
Araş. Gör. Dr. İrem Atasoy
Öğr. Gör. Günay Develi
Öğr. Gör. Ahmet Solak
Öğr. Gör. Julia Völker

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

The German Language and Literature program offers undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels. The main purpose of our program, which we have redefined in line with the conditions of our country and the expectations of our students, is that students gain an intercultural and interdisciplinary perspective based on German language, literature and culture. The language of instruction in our department is German. Students must have advanced knowledge of German in order to folllow the courses efficiently. German as foreign language is taught in preparatory class starting from the 2012-2013 academic year. For further information: https://yokatlas.yok.gov.tr/lisans.php?y=105610061

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

1- https://cdn.istanbul.edu.tr/FileHandler2.ashx?f=istanbul-universitesi-cift-anadal-programi-yonergesi-14.05.2020-13.pdf

Graduate Education

1. To be a graduate of undergraduate (for master) / graduate (for PhD)
2. To have taken ALES exam and to have gotten enough score
3. As a special condition, the candidates have taken YDS exam in German language or another foreign language exam in German language, whose equivalence is accepted by YÖK and to have gotten at least 80 points in German language.
4. To participate in the acceptance interview for candidates made by the department.
Minimum admission scores and weights are determined within the framework of Istanbul University Graduate Education Regulation and the conditions determined by the Senate. For further information: https://sosyalbilimler.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/_

Exchange Programs

We have bilateral Erasmus agreements on first, second and third cycle with following universities in Germany:
1-Freie Universität Belin
2-Universität zu Köln
3- Univeristät Hamburg
4- Universität zu Paderborn
5-Bergische Universität Wuppertal. For further information: https://erasmus.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/_

Journals (published by Department)

Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi - Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur publishes disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary, theoretical and/or applied research articles that focus on German language and literature in the following fields: literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies, media studies, translation studies, and language teaching. The journal aims to provide a platform for sharing scientific knowledge in these fields.
The journal also offers reviews of scientific books and news of national and international conferences which cover the mentioned fields. This journal accepts manuscripts written in one of the following languages: German, Turkish, and English. The target group of the Journal consists of academicians, researchers, professionals, students, related professional and academic bodies and institutions.
All expenses of the journal are covered by the Istanbul University. Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles. http://sdsl.istanbul.edu.tr/en/content/about/open-access-statement. For further information about the journal: https://sdsl.istanbul.edu.tr/en/_

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

The German Language and Literature program offers undergraduate, graduate and doctorate levels of study. The main purpose of our program, which we have redefined in line with the conditions of our country and the expectations of our students, is that students gain an intercultural and interdisciplinary perspective based on German language, literature and culture. The language of instruction in our department is German. Students must have an advanced level of German in order to wfollow the courses efficiently. German language is taught in preparatory class starting from the 2012-2013 academic year.
Undergraduate education covers eight semesters. 16 credits per week are taught. In the first two years, linguistics and literature courses are the basis of the German Language and Literature education. In this period, general information about German language, literature and culture is transferred, and it is aimed to improve the German language skill to the level of expertise required by the field. Based on literary texts, studies are carried out to provide students with the ability to read and write text in a foreign language, to understand and understand the text, to extract, summarize and transmit the text.
Then, in the 3rd and 4th years, a program is implemented that aims to the texts being understood by the students, not one-sided, but with all its dimensions, to criticize the texts from different perspectives and to be gained a critical perspective by the students towards the text in German. Since such a perspective requires an intercultural and interdisciplinary study, knowledge of cultural history as well as literature history has an important weight among the course subjects. In addition to the various elective courses offered starting from the 3rd semester, elective courses are offered from the 5th to the 8th semesters that try to provide students with knowledge for certain professions.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Students who graduate from our undergraduate program gain a general critical view not only of German culture but also of Western culture, thanks to their knowledge of German language, literature and culture, as well as an interdisciplinary and intercultural study method. Those who want to deepen this knowledge further and continue their professional life and academic studies as philologists or experts in German language and literature can continue to master and doctorate programs in German language and literature. In addition, our students are interested in communication, theater, business, European Union etc. as business facilities. They are able to continue their graduate education in the fields, their knowledge in German language and literature and the versatile perspective which they have obtained provide them with an advantage in this respect.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

It is possible to study at our undergradate program according to İÜYÖS Examination results. For further information about quata, conditions, explanations and program achivement scores:

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

The transfer student candidates from Turkish or foreign universities are subject to the YOK Legislation "The transfer, double degree, minor degree and inter-institutional credit transfer" and to the evaluation conditions determined by İstanbul University Senate. The transfer quotas are determined and announced by Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK). The evaluation of the candidates are done by the school evaluation commmisin and approved by the management.

Brief Information of our Department

The Department of American Culture and Literature was established as a department in the early 1980’s, and before that various studies within the scope of American Culture and Literature were carried out within British Philology established under the direction of Halide Edip Adıvar in the late 1930’s. Our department admitted its first students in 1982 as “American Language and Literature,” and then with the decision of the Higher Education Council in 1987 the department was renamed to “American Culture and Literature.” Since then, our department has provided education to more than six-hundred students at undergraduate and graduate levels.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

The academic education offered by our department consists of lectures in the fields of literature, culture and history in line with a curriculum equivalent to that of similar programs at leading international universities. The introductory courses offered under the title of “American Literature” offer a chronological study of works belonging to an array of genres such as the novel, the short story, poetry and drama. These courses include examples of major writers and works that canonically represent certain periods and trends, as well as examples of texts and genres that have been excluded from the canon or marginalized. In our cultural courses literary and cultural products are examined from a critical perspective based on concepts underlying American history and culture. Being not limited to American literature our curriculum offers courses such as "Literature and History", "Literature and Ideology", "Literature and Unconscious" in the light of contemporary literary and cultural theories.

Academic Staff

Professor Hasine Şen Karadeniz
Assistant Professor İrfan Cenk Yay
Assistant Professor Kudret Nezir Yunusoğlu
Assistant Professor SinemYazıcıoğlu
Assistant Professor Yasemin Güniz Sertel
Lecturer Özge Öktem Yay
Research Assistant Dr. Aşkın Çelikkol
Research Assistant Eser Pehlivan

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Associate Professor İrfan Cenk Yay. YAY. I. C. International Publication Incentive. TUBİTAK, December, 2013

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

The mission of our department at the undergraduate level is to carry out academic studies while adapting the transformative power of literature that helps scrutinize and alter the way stereotypes and prejudices function within the literary/cultural texts and look critically at American culture and history and its interaction with other cultures and the history of the world through literary and cultural texts. Based on this mission, our vision is to train students and researchers capable of analyzing historical, cultural and literary products from comparative perspectives and to support our educational staff and successful students to continue their studies that will contribute innovative and original works to the international academic world. With the quota of 80 students each year, our department accepts students who rank among the nine thousand students in the university exams with the English Language score type. Our department is in the process of preparing accreditation requirements and meeting the demands necessary to get accredited. In the Faculty of Foreign Languages, our program has a one-year preparatory class in case the English proficiency exam should the students fail to pass the exam on the first try.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Our department offers double major and minor programs for all diploma programs within the Faculty of Letters or for the Faculty of Political Sciences. Our double major and minor programs offer a 4-person quota within the faculty and a 1-person quota outside the faculty, and the only requirement to apply for a student is to get a score of 80 or above from the English Proficiency Exam held by the School of Foreign Languages.

Graduate Education

Each spring, our department admits five students to its Graduate Program (M.A.). Students who apply must have a minimum score of 65 from ALES (Academic Staff and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam) and a minimum score of 75 from YDS exam. The first year of our graduate education consists of courses that are necessary for the students to pass in order to begin the process of writing their dissertation. We do not have an graduate transfer quota for our graduate program.
1. To have a Bachelor’s degree
2. Having taken the ALES exam
3. To have taken one of the Foreign Language exams such as ÜDS/KPDS or a foreign language exam accepted as equivalent by YÖK and to have received sufficient scores
4. To enter the interview conducted by the department. The minimum admission scores and their distribution rates are determined within the framework of Istanbul University Graduate Education and Training Regulations and the conditions determined by the Senate.

Exchange Programs

Our department works with two universities within the scope of Erasmus exchange program that offers every graduate student two-person quota each year. The students are determined by the score they will get from the English language exam, and both exchange programs take five months to complete. Universities with which we have Erasmus agreements with are Freie Universitaet Berlin in Germany and Karl Franzens Universitaet Graz in Austria.

Journals (published by Department)

Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, published by the Department of Western Languages and Literatures is an open-access, refereed, multilingual scientific journal published twice a year in June and December. It was established in 1954. The journal has been accepted by the following indexes and platforms: Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), MLA International Bibliography, Index Islamicus, SOBIAD, and TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

The education offered by our department equals the quality of education parallel to the standards of internationally similar departments through courses prepared by our experienced academic staff. It gives graduate students the opportunity to absorb the basic concepts and theories related to their field.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Our department does not offer vocational education. Our students who graduate, gain advanced English language skills while also advancing their critical/analytical thinking through the courses they take for four academic years (8 semesters). With these skills they acquire during their studies, they can find work in various areas such as education, communication, informatics, publishing, translation, tourism and finance.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

International students are required to take the Foreign Students Exam held by Istanbul University and get the required score. To the students who want to transfer from university programs in foreign countries to Istanbul University, the regulations that have been decided by the University Senate will be applied.

Brief Information of our Department

Starting from 1969 our department has been granting an elective certificate in Italian language and literature as part of the Department of French and Romance Languages and Literatures. In 1978 has started offering a four-year Language and Literature Program as a self-standing department under the name of Department of Italian Language and Literature. As the main aim of the Department was to provide an academic training to Turkish teaching staff, in the academic year 1986-1987 a Master degree program was opened followed in the academic year 1995-1996 by a PhD program in Italian Language and Literature. From this moment the training and development of a new generation of scholars within the domain of Italian Language and Literature and the academic enhancement of research assistants were determined as the primary objectives of the department. Starting from the academic year 2005-2006, students are expected to reach level C1 in Italian language proficiency at the end of the four-year degree program following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Starting from the 2015-2016 academic year, an Italian preparatory program of two semesters was opened within the School of Foreign Languages. The Department of Italian Language and Literature, which is part of the Department of Western Languages and Literatures, provides education focused on Italian language, literature, history and culture at university level. In the Italian preparatory program, our students take grammar and linguistic practice lessons focused on reading, speaking and writing and aimed at teaching basic language skills.The period of education consists of ten semesters, including the preparatory program

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

Scientific studies, publications and scientific activities are organized mostly but not solely in the following areas: Italian literature and translation studies, teaching Italian as a foreign language, comparative linguistics, comparative literature, postcolonial literature, feminist literature and criticism.

Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Sadriye Güneş (Head of Department)
Assoc. Prof. Lucia Barbara Çelebi
Assoc. Prof. Antonella Elia
Asst. Prof. Cristiano Bedin
Asst. Prof. Deniz Dilşad Karail Nazlıcan
Lect. Raffaella Lincesso
Lect..Silvana Memaj
Lect. Paolo Praticò
Asst. Dilara Duymaz

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Assoc. Prof. SadriyeGüneş:
IPHRAS – Interphraseologie für Stüdien-und Berufsmobile (Design and Online Teaching of Multilingual Frazeology Modules for European Union Learning and Working Mobility) EU Supported Project, 2013-2014;
Cultural Heritage and Local Development along the Southern Border of Bulgaria, 2012-2013;
Food and Cultural Identity: between the Market, the Humanities and the Social sciences, Erasmus Intensive Program, EU Supported Project, 2012;
PERMİT (Promote Education and Reciprocal Understanding Through Multicultural Integrated Teaching) EU Supported Project, 2012;

Assoc. Prof. Barbara Çelebi:
Project Coordinator: CAP. 2619/2 ES. FIN. 2015 Financial contribution for Italian language chairs. Supported by MAE Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs, 4000€ 01/12/2014 - 01/07/2015
Project Coordinator: CAP. 2619/2 ES. FIN. 2015 Financial contribution for Italian language chairs. Supported by MAE Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs, 5000€ 01/12/2013 - 01/07/2014
Project Coordinator: CAP. 2619/2 ES. FIN. 2015 Financial contribution for Italian language chairs. Supported by MAE Italian Ministry of Foreign affairs, 5000€, 01/12/2012 - 01/07/2013

Assoc. Dr. Antonella Elia:
Project titled “NAPOLI - ISTANBUL un viaggio in tandem: Ponti, Intrecci e IncontritraLingue e Culture del Mediterraneo” with the University L’Orientaleof Naples, 2019-2020; Project for the development of students' literary skills with Venice UNICORN cultural association, 2019-2020.

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

Education and Training Goals and Targets: Our primary objective is to allow the students who choose our department to acquire a good knowledge of Italian language, literature and culture and to be able to apply their competences in various professional fields.In addition to the academic and the acquisition of language, literary and cultural skills to be expended in an increasingly globalizing world, our aim, through tailored courses offered in the last years of studies, is also to form and develop specialists who can work in developing areas and growing business domains in our country, as for example in the medical tourism.

YKS Point Type: Our department accepts students with a YKS-Language score result. Our department has a quota of 50 students and the average score for 2019 is was 397011, the maximum score was 2276 and the minimum score was 15935.

Possibilities: Our department has a library of around 3000 Italian books suitable for all linguistic levels, which can be consulted by our students. In addition, starting from the first year of study our students are involved in activities related to the Italian language and culture thanks to meetings, conferences, film screenings and music concerts organized in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Center in Istanbul and the Circolo Roma.

Preparatory School: Our Italian mother tongue instructors teach in the preparatory class and 70% of the lessons are in Italian. Students who pass the Preparatory School proficiency exam made at the end of the academic year are allowed to enter in the first year. If students who already know Italian before the start of the courses pass the Italian Language proficiency exam done at the beginning of the autumn semester, they can attend the first year by passing the preparatory course. Students who do not know Italian are not required to take the Italian language proficiency exam done at the beginning of the autumn semester.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Students of the Faculty of Letters have the opportunity to do Double Major and Minor in our Department.To be able to attend both programs, students must be in second grade in the department they are studying and obtain at least 70 points from the Italian proficiency exam prepared by our department.

Graduate Education

Our department provides a Master's program in Italian Language and Literature at the Department of Western Languages and Literatures at the Institute of Social Sciences. Regarding the conditions for application, it is necessary to get enough points in the tests that are determined by the Social Sciences Institute. Students who have the basic requirements specified in the application will have to take an oral exam.

Exchange Programs

Universities that have Erasmus agreements with our department:
University Ca’ Foscari of Venice: Bac., PhD.
Verona University: PhD.
University for Foreigners of Siena: Bac., PhD.
Perugia University: Bac., MA.
Pavia University: Bac., MA., PhD.
University L’Orientale of Naples: Bac. MA., PhD.

Journals (published by Department)

Publication of the Department of Western Languages and Literatures: Litera: Dil, Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi – Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studie

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

In the academic staff of our department, there are many Italian native speaker scholars and teachers. Bilateral agreements with Italian universities give our students the opportunity to increase their knowledge of the Italian language, literature, culture and history and to increase their communication skills.The city where our university is located offers our graduate students the opportunity to work in many areas.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Students graduated from the Department of Italian Language and Literature can teach in institutions that give lessons of Italian as a foreign language (private schools, high schools, language courses, etc.). They can work as interpreter in both public institutions and private sector. They can work in Italian companies and banks, in the textile sector, in foreign trade, in tourism and in health tourism organizations.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

International students are accepted to the undergraduate program according to the quota and conditions determined by İÜYÖS (International Students Exam).

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

Every academic year, the admission quota and requirements to the MA. and PhD. Programmes of international students are determined by our department. It is possible to write a Master’s thesis in a foreign language with the approval of the supervisor and of the Social Sciences Institute.

Brief Information of our Department

The Department of Spanish Language and Literature started to admit students in 1986-1987 academic year. Prof. Dr. Gül Işık and Instructor Dr. Ricardo Campos Bloss played an important role in its foundation. Having been headed by Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nihal Akbulut, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Türkan Araz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leman Gürlek, Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Zeynep Önal, respectively, so far and growing soundly with its native and Turkish professors, the department now continues its academic activities with an increasing demand, under the headship of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Yener Gökşenli.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

In our department, for the most part we make studies on Spanish language, literature, culture, as well as Latin American literature, culture. In this context, we carry out research on history, translation, linguistics, literature and language teaching.

Academic Staff

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Yener Gökşenli
Prof. Dr. Rafael Carpintero Ortega
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet İlgürel
Assoc. Prof. Dr. María Jesús Horta Sanz
Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Zeynep Önal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leman Gürlek
Asst. Prof. Dr. María Antonia Panizo Büyükkoyuncu
Lecturer Dr. Ricardo Campos Bloss Res. Asst. Saliha Seniz Coşkun Adıgüzel
Lecturer Diana María Ríos Hoyos

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

1- To offer education provided by professors competent in education technology.
2- To develop appropriate class material for a quality education.
3- To provide students with proper use of Spanish language as well as a profound level of its literature.
4- To direct students towards a field where they can apply their skills on Spanish.

YKS Type: Language Admits: 52
Success Rank: The last student admitted achieved 419,34 points and ranked 10.285.
Our department is in preparation for the accreditation process.
The period of study is 1 (prep class)+4 (bachelor’s degree).

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Students of the Faculty of Letters are granted the opportunity for double major program and minor program in our department. Likewise, students of our department can study in the abovementioned programs provided that they meet the requirements specified by the respective department. Prospective incoming students to the double major program shall apply in his/her third semestre at the earliest and the fifth at the latest. Applicants must achieve 70/100 points in Spanish language testing given by our department; pass all the courses in his/her main department taken till the application and have a grade point average of at least 3.00. Prospective incoming students to the minor program shall apply in his/her third semestre at the earliest and the sixth at the latest. Applicants must achieve 70/100 points in Spanish language testing given by our department; pass all the courses in his/her main department taken till the application and have a grade point average of at least 2.5. Applicants must follow the calender and announcements of the Faculty for the application dates.

Department's Student Club

Our students can benefit from the student clubs of our faculty and university.

Graduate Education

Master’s Degree Program: Those who finish a four-year graduate program and fulfil the requirements set by the Institute of Social Sciences may apply for the program. It is not a must to be graduated from the department of Spanish language and literature, but it is a must to know Spanish for textual analysis and presentations are made in Spanish. The students may improve attending Scientific Preparation Program. Classes are given based on research and debate. Besides language and literature, classes on how to make a scientific research are also given.
Phd Program: : Those who finish a master’s degree program having defended a thesis and fulfil the requierments set by the Institute of Social Sciences may apply for the program. Phd program requires a level of scientific production on language and literature. The student is expected to contribute to the world of literatıre with a new idea.
For both programs, applicants are required present ALES Sözel document specified by the Institute. With respect to language requirements, those having graduated from the department of Spanish language and literature must present a language test result recognised by Student Selection and Placement Center, having an international level B2 of any language or YDS test result of at least 65 points. Those having graduated from other departments, must present a language test result recognised by Student Selection and Placement Center, having an international level B2 in Spanish or YDS test result of at least 70 points in Spanish to apply for the Master’s Degree Program and must take Scientific Preparation Program.
To apply for the Phd Program, it is a must for the applicant to have a master’s degrre on Spanish language and literature, Translation, Comparative Literature or any master’s degree on philology. Those who have gained a master’s degree in a department other than Spanish language and literature are required to present a language test result recognised by Student Selection and Placement Center, having an international level C1 in Spanish or YDS test result of at least 80 points in Spanish. For 2020-2021 academic year the Master’s Degree Program admits 7 students and the Phd 3.
At neither level it is envisaged to make a lateral student transfer. Applicants must follow the calender and announcements of the Institute for the application dates.

Exchange Programs

Our department admits students each for Mevlana and Farabi Exhange Programs. However, the most active Exchange program is Erasmus. At Bachelor’s degree level it is possible to participate in the program at universities of Salamanca, Almería, Burgos, Castilla La Mancha in Spain and at the Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece. At Master’s and Phd level, at Burgos University in Spain, Napoli L’orientale University in Italy and the Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece.
Erasmus + Program provides two different training opportunities: education and internship mobility. Erasmus + is looking for the condition that candidate students have completed their first year in the educational institutions they are affiliated with. Erasmus + education mobility allows to continue education in another European country for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months. Erasmus + internship mobility can be carried out for a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months.
Further information can be followed from the relevant page of our faculty for the conditions for applying for Erasmus + learning mobility.

Journals (published by Department)

Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies - Dil, Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi, is the official publication of the Department of Western Languages and Literatures, Istanbul University. It is an open access, peer- reviewed, multilingual, scholarly and international journal published online twice a year, in June and in December. The objective of the Journal is to publish disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary, theoretical and/or applied research articles that focus on Western languages and literatures in the following fields: literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies, media studies, translation studies, and language teaching. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies - Dil, Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi provides a forum for exploring issues basically in literature, language, art and culture. The target group of the Journal consists of professionals, academicians, researchers, post graduate students, related academic bodies and institutions.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world after English. All over the world there are nearly 567 millions of people speaking Spanish. It is the official language in 21 countries. Our department, which has undertaken the task of teaching this language together with its culture and literature, acts as a cultural ambassador for Spain and Latin America in Turkey. Our department has educated lots of students into professions such as education, tourism, translation, media, trade, etc. Today it goes on doing so, to meet the increasing demand in education and trade, as well as that coming from embassies and consulates thanks to the growing relations between Turkey and Spanish speaking countries.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Our graduates tend to work in the following areas: Teaching, translation and interpretation, newspapers, television, trade, diplomacy, banking, editing and publishing, telecommunication, tourism, fashion.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

Our department offers the opportunity for a lateral student transfer at Bachelor’s degree level. Applicants must follow the calender and announcements of the Faculty for the application dates and conditions.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

It is not envisaged to admit students from abroad neither to Master’s Degree Program nor Phd for 2020-2021 academic year.

Social Media Accounts

Facebook: İ.Ü. İspanyol Dili Edebiyatı
Twitter: @UEdebiyat

Brief Information of our Department

In accordance with the protocol signed between Istanbul University and Athens University within the framework of mutual cultural relations between Turkey and Greece, the Department of Western Languages and Literatures at Istanbul University Faculty of Literature was established in the 2000-2001 academic year of the Department of Contemporary Greek Language and Literature. In accordance with the signed protocol, the Department of Turkish Language and Literature was established at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Athens. In the 2000-2001 academic year, he started to study at undergraduate level. The teaching language of the Department of Modern Greek and Turkish. The duration of undergraduate education consists of five (5) years with one (1) year preparation class.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

Our program organizes important literary commemoration days, conferences with various guest participants, various activities including our students within the scope of International Greek Language Day.

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Esin Ozansoy (Head of Department)
Prof. Dr. Damla Demirözü
Asst. Prof. Üyesi İrini Sarıoğlu
Lect. Dr. Marika Bekar Pandelara
Lect. Serap Memet
Res. Asst. Dr. Aslı Çete
Res. Asst. Aslı Damar Çakmak
Res. Asst. M. Serhan Özemrah

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

“The East Has Set” First Prize at Feature Documentary-13. Hellenic Documentary Festival (Chalkida 2019)
“Imvros Island: A Tale of Memories” Best Creative Documentary-9. International London Film Festival (May 2016)
“Letters Never Received” Best Music Award-5. International London Film Film Festival (October 2012)
“The Silent School” Best Creative Documentary-5. International London Film Festival (October 2012)
“The Exile” Best Music Award-5. International London Film Festival (October 2012)
“The Exile” Best Documentary-International Drama Film Festival (September 2010).

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

To develop the student's ability to speak, write, research and review in Greek; to gain the ability to understand basic language and literature knowledge; To achieve the proficiency of understanding and examining the products of contemporary Greek Language and Literature within the framework of scientific criteria; to be able to translate at an advanced level; training qualified personnel who can apply the information obtained within the scope of the curriculum in the field of vocational is among the objectives of the program.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Within the quotas determined by our department and on the condition that you take a pass grade from the Greek exam to be made, double major and minor applications are accepted.

Graduate Education

Completing the Master's program, Department of Contemporary Greek Language and Literature and seeking an academic career, or open to all in order to scientifically advance their knowledge on modern Greek language and literature, the Master's Program contributes to the upbringing of new researchers to the Turkish scientific world.

Exchange Programs

We have Erasmus agreements at undergraduate level at different universities in Greece and student selection is carried out taking into account the quotas and points rankings set by our department.
We also have an Erasmus agreement with the University of Cadiz in Spain. Farabi and Mevlâna Agreements are also available.

Journals (published by Department)

The journal of LİTERA– Language, Literature, Cultural Research (Ulakbim –TRdizin, which is published within western languages and literatures, is scanned in the database. Web of Science – Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) is indexed in Sobiad and Index Islamicus databases.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Every year, we send our students to international summer language, culture and education schools of Greek Universities on scholarships. With invitations from various institutions and institutions of Greece, we organize trips within the framework of cultural programs and our selected students are also participating in these programs. By selecting distinguished works from Greek literature, the translation workshop we create continues to translate these works.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

It has the opportunity to work in multinational companies in official and private institutions (ministries, security, military, intelligence), translation, education, tourism and travel, maritime, banking, import -export, media.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

They need to speak Greek. If there is a shortfall in the courses suitable for our program in horizontal transitions, they must complete them.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

It is essential that diplomas obtained from foreign countries be equivalence by YÖK. It is a prerequisite to graduate from contemporary Greek Language and Literature Departments in particular. It is possible to write a foreign language thesis (if it complies with the Regulation of the Institute of Social Sciences). The foreign student quota is 3.